
Moscow’s aggression against Ukraine requires quick decisions and actions aimed at eco-nomic recovery by replenishing the state budget.

Moscow’s aggression against Ukraine requires quick decisions and actions aimed at economic recovery by replenishing the state budget.

Every year, more and more Ukrainian companies try to improve the quality of their agricultural products to enter foreign markets, including through cooperation with international retail chains (Lidl, Carrefour, ALDI, etc.) and through inclusion in global agri-food chains. One of the key conditions is compliance with the international standard ISO 22000. This standard defines a systematic approach that includes specific parameters of food safety at all stages of the product life cycle – from raw materials to the consumption of the product by the end user. To reduce the time needed to obtain a certificate of conformity, we have developed the software and hardware complex “Levada Trace”, which is presented in several versions:

– Levada Trace 1 for small businesses and farmers that covers applications ranging from control of growing and harvesting of raw materials to warehousing (developed and actively implemented);

– Levada Trace 2 for medium-sized businesses that includes integration with accounting and work planning systems, as well as with weighing and barcoding equipment and management systems of address warehouses (under development and implementation);

– Levada Trace 3 for other food industries that implements elements of production management systems (in design).

Our “Levada Trace” software has significant advantages that comply with the strategy of rapid recovery of Ukraine’s economy: prompt installation of the system with minimal costs for the user, convenience of functionality — an Android phone and Internet access to our cloud service is sufficient.

We ask investment companies and non-indifferent businesses to join in on the project in order to quickly complete the development of the versions for medium (Levada Trace 2) and large businesses (Levada Trace 3).

Now more than ever, the data of Ukrainian enterprises needs protection from external threats and the ability to recover quickly from relocation or destruction of production facilities.