
Almost a month has passed since the presentation of Ukraine’s recovery strategy to the world community.

Almost a month has passed since the presentation of Ukraine’s recovery strategy to the world community. But how can we discuss the issues of recovery, when almost 5 million Ukrainians left for abroad after the escalation of military aggression by the Russian Federation? The vast majority are women and children of primary and secondary school age; most of these children may not return to the country, graduate from Ukrainian schools and enter Ukrainian universities. The potential demographic catastrophe is the biggest threat to the implementation of the proposed strategy for the recovery of Ukraine; its consequences are not difficult to assess today in the context of the long-term economic recovery.

The future of our country is, first of all, its citizens, who have the desire to return home — as long as there is no threat to the lives of their loved ones. But many families have stayed in their homes; there are also those who return from temporary relocation to other regions of Ukraine. That is why our team has joined the development project for an educational space in the Kyiv region, which since February 24th has been directing significant efforts to preserving the conditions for the stable functioning of  educational and cultural institutions. Our assistance to communities will allow to build an innovative space based on a balanced combination of safety and functionality (education and recreation) using modern information technologies.

We are open to cooperation.

We work for future generations!